Sunday, 6 September 2015

Prompts week 2 7-14 September 2015

If you are playing along, each piece of writing should include all four elements. 
Use #afewwordsaday to help me find your writing on twitter or post in the comments below.

Photo Prompt

Text Type
(Alan Peat)
    sentence type 
(Alan Peat)
original story

hidden acrostic

Imagine x3 Jack and the beanstalk
film script

some, others The clever little tailor
I hear

Adj, same adj The boy who cried wolf
I see
boys The Frog Prince
I taste
altered characters

double ly ending The Little Mermaid

Irony The Swan Prince

noun, which, who, where The Envious Neighbour

For an explanation and examples of the sentence types, please follow this link:  Alan Peat's Sentence Structures: 25 ways to improve your sentence writing.
Alan Peat has amazing resources including ipad apps - find out more here: Alan Peat

Text types
Hidden Acrostic: the 'focus' word is spelled out vertically - but not in the first letter or last letter of each line. For example, it could be the second letter; the first letter of the second word or somewhere else.
Film Script: like a play script but should be:
 written in 12pt courier, names are in capitals; scene headings, slug line
Slug line has 3 parts: setting, interior (INT) or exterior (EXT) location, time of day (morning, dusk etc)
Film scripts don't tell emotion of character - focus is on what can be seen.
Naga-uta: Japanese for 'long song', has mini-Haikus, each stanza is 5-7, the last is 7-7. Separate chains of naga-uta can go off at a tangent, to add more detail, explain an underlying motive...
mini-saga: tell the story in exactly 50 words
Altered characters: all character traits are inverted. Good becomes evil and vice versa
Tanka: 5 line poetic form, syllable pattern 5-7-5-7-7. The last 2 lines change the tone or pace of the initial tree lines.: 
I was a sad girl
My stepmother hated me
So did my sisters

but I was sent to the ball
And now, look! I'm a Princess.
Sci-fi: change magical elements to technological elements.

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