Today's #afewwordsaday #KAFWAD submission
Why not join me? Today's prompts are below. Prompts for the rest of the week are in a separate post just below.
20th September
Ali Baba and the forty seeds
- this is a pretend forced perspective photo.
Prompts / date
20th September 2015
FMS Photo a day
Text type
Pig Latin
Sentence type
Ali Baba
Emo, Give weight to emotion emotion
word then comma.
Desperate, she screamed for help. Happily
she skipped along the path.
Pig Latin.
A type of
code used orally so that only those ‘in the know’ will understand.
Take the
first consonant from a word, put it at the end and add ‘ay’:
sisters > ister-say
If a word
starts with more than one consonant, move both (or all of them):
Prince > ince-pray
If a word starts
with a vowel, move all the letters until, and including, the first consonant:
evil > il-evay and ignorant > orant-ignay.
An excerpt:
He said, "Open, Sesame!" and the door opened and
shut behind him. When he was ready to go he could not remember what to say and
the door still stuck fast. Frightened, he could not remember which seed it was.
The excerpt, in Pig
e-hay aid-say, “en-opay, esame-say!” d-anay e-thay oor-day
d-anay ut-shay ehind-bay im-hay. Hen-way
e-hay as-way eady-ray o-tay o-gay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay emember-ray at-whay o-tay
ay-say d-anay e-thay oor-day ill-stay uck-stay ast-fay.
ightened-fray, e-hay ould-cay ot-nay emember-ray ich-whay eed-say it-ay as-way.
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